Location and Connections
Address: Lapinniemenranta 12, 33180 Tampere
- Tampere city center is 2 km / 6 min by car / 30 min walking
- Tampereen Kehräämö is easily accessible by train or bus, in addition to by car. The railway station is only 1.9 km from the resort.
- You can check local transport information on the Nyssen website.
Parking in the area costs 2.10 €/h or 14 €/day. There are charging points for electric cars in the P1 parking area located between Kehräämö and the Loisto hotel. Parking is also paid during charging.
In the holiday apartments, parking for one car is included in the room rate. In this case, the car can be parked in the P2 or P3 parking garages, which are accessible with your room card.
Contact Information
Opening hours, frequently asked questions, and the contact details for the resort can be found in the Good to Know section.
Area Map